Chemists and philosophers played a very important role in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein because Victor had studied people such as Agrippa, Magnus, Paracelsus, and Darwin. These people were not considered modern scientists and their work was thought to be old and no longer accurate. He became so obsessed with learning and studying these scientific ideas that he wanted to make life out of non-living things. This was good in the fact that he was trying to pursue science to the best a person could but life is not something someone can alter. He tried to find the secret to life but then his creation was shunned and ended up being what we would call a "monster."
Some say that science is something to be afraid of because it can bring unwanted news or discoveries into our world. However, those discoveries would come whether you were trying to find them or not. Science is not something people should be afraid of. They should embrace it and try to discover new things because even if the discovery is negative, someone can come up with a way to fix it, leading to more discoveries. Some discoveries such as nanotechnology could be considered negative because you are manipulating atoms and molecules that should not be manipulated. Everything that scientists attempt to discover can go either way, positive or negative impact. That impact can also change but it doesn't mean we should stop trying to research and learn new things. The more we discover, the better prepared the next generation will be and the more likely they will be able to fix the problems within our society.
Mans morals can also play a very large role in discovering new things. It is said that knowledge and learning are the best thing someone can have because no one can take that away from them. As man's knowledge becomes more expanded, it makes him want to only learn more and expand even further. The only problem is that sometimes a person's beliefs can get in the way of what they have discovered which can cause an internal conflict for that person. This is a decision that almost everyone will find themselves making at one point, whether to believe facts, or to follow what you believe to be true. This morality could keep people sane and not compare themselves to a godlike figure which no man should think they are.
When asked the questions should man pursue science to its limits, even to the point where man can create life from non-life, essentially becoming a god or should man fear the powers of science and the reach of his own intellect most would tell man to not stop researching and expanding their knowledge. It is an instinct to want to know more than you already do and keep learning. No man should overlook how much they know though. Do something with the knowledge they have and keep your morals in tact. Don't let it get the best of you and assume that you are a god when in reality you are just another person on this Earth.
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