Individuality and freedom was stripped from each person in the novel, 1984. No one could show emotions or show that they were having their own thoughts. Everyone was supposed to act the same and love the Party. This book was demonstrated like a Utopia would be. It was supposed to be the perfect society. Everyone was supposed to be the same and there would be no differences. Thought, likeness, and actions were all the same to everyone in the society.
There was a love affair between Julia and Winston in order to demonstrate humanity and human reaction. One cannot help itself from being attracted to someone and wanting the feeling of being in a relationship. Whether that relationship was a friendship, a bond of family, or a love relationship it does not matter. Relationships show humanity so by including this love relationship, Orwell was showing that there was still hope in Oceania for humanity and for a regular society to exist. He was also showing that this "perfect" society may have not been so perfect after all.
Individuality and freedom are a key role to our humanity. They show the differences between people. No two people can be exactly the same. Whether it is their mindset, the color of their eyes, skin or hair, something is bound to be different. When you try to make everyone conform to be the same there would be no advancements in history. The world would be a boring place that no one would want to live in. The freedom to be one's self is what makes the world how it is. No group or person should be able to strip individuals of that right.
As our emotions and liberties are stripped from us, we tend to lose humanity. Humanity is defined as the quality or condition of being human. In order to be human there needs to be differences among us. Otherwise, we become robots of whoever is supposed to be controlling us. We can not think, feel, or fend for ourselves. We are entirely dependent on whoever or whatever is controlling us. In order to have humanity people need to be able to express themselves either through writing, speech, art, or even just how they dress themselves or wear their hair. Humanity is defined by us being who we are and not being controlled.
Individuality, freedom, liberty, and our emotions are all key parts to humanity. It doesn't matter how we decide to be different from one another as long as us as humans have the right to be different and not controlled by one person. The perfect Utopia worldwide cannot exist because humans want to be able to express themselves.
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